"And made a great deal of mischief..." ~ Jane Eyre
Dear Bloggers O'The World,
I, Jack Krikor, aged one year and 9 months, would like to say that I missed my adoring public! I am here with a Jack attack on my "Maaaamie's" blog. Some days I call her "AaaantAaaantAaaant" and other days its "Maaaamie." Anywho, I am back to fill you in on all the great explorations I have been having lately!
As you can see, I have discovered TP. It is great for pulling all over the house and leaving a trail behind me so everyone knows where I am! I have discovered my Aunt Mamie's "keeeth" (keys) and reach into her bag to press the panic button; its fun hearing the alarm go off on her car in the driveway, though my mommy scowls at my aunty for getting me into this habit. I am a hoopster and love throwing my basketball and I also love making everyone throw the basketball, too. Of course when my family is not doing what I ask of them, I throw the basketball at their heads.
I am very excited about this summer! I am all set for my kiddie pool and "Q"'s. We are having a big "Q" on Father's day for my "dada" and "grandPAH"'s. Mamie is going to make it Margaritaville style with shrimp on the "Q", cheeseburgers in paradise, and margaritas. I love hamburgers and hot dogs and she said she will make those for me, too. She also says that she will make french fries for her little fry, but I don't get it.
I hope everyone is having a nice day! I am off to my baby sign language class!
Jack Krikor, Toddler Extraordinaire
Labels: JACK
The Toilet Paper Discovery! Since he is a boy he also discover how fast he can unroll the TP into a pile on the floor. It's just too fun for those little boys. You might here a...
"Maaamie look how fast I can get all the paper on the floor!"
Just wait. It's sooo fun, though.
Nice to see you, Jack! I myself am still a chubb, and I love, love, LOVE to be held! These women around me, they spoil me. I just smile and laugh at them all. I've been trying to reach things more now, and everything I DO reach, goes right in my mouth! My eyes turned out blue like my sister's, and my aunt's, and my grandma's. I am such a pleasant fellow; I am trying hard to talk up a storm, which comes out in my own unique baby-speak. And my sister? She loves me to death, and is very protective of me. Well? Who wouldn't be? I am ADORABLE.
But enough about me. It's always great to see you, Jackaroo. Maybe I'll investigate this TP thing next.
Calvin H.
Ahhh! He is getting so big, but still that hair! Oh, He is just sweetness. I am not going to lie, I could go for some babypool action myself. xo
Calvie ~ I am telling you, TP is a great way to spend an hour running around the house and making a big mess! Just don't put it in your mouth because it does not taste as good as Cheerios. :) Hope you are having a good day, blue eyes!
TG ~ Thanks for the awesome idea! Now I will have to go test it out.
Kels ~ You bring the virgin pina coladas and I will have the rice krispie treats. :)
ah, the tp days. seems just like it was yesterday when my sons ran around with tp.
Jay Kay is officially "THE DUDE!"
Soon he will be throwing TP in trees at halloween (if he lives in the burbs).... ah what fun! :o)
oh dear
well, we know who to blame when the teachers house gets TP'd...
You are such a smart boy!..hee! hee!
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