"Then they seemed so familiar with French names and French authors..." ~ Jane Eyre
MUTE MONDAY: F IS FOR FRENCH (Je suis une francophile)

Jane and Adele (Rochester's ward)
Les Miz (I feel like Cosette these days and the Prince is my Marius)
La Boum (first movie watched in high school French class)
Babar (favorite elephant)
French Soap (mmmm)
Napoleon (have the complex)
Versaille (my dream house)
French chocolates (does it get any better?)
French wine (yeah, it gets better)
Gigi (J.Sarah and I love this movie and have watched it together often)
Pepe Le Pew (my favorite Looney Toon)
Monsieur Van Gogh (going to see his night exhibit at MOMA soon)
Champagne (even better!)
Fifi (sadly, she sports a Palin doo)
Brie (love it en croute)
Escargot (with lots of garlic...yum)
Sarkozy et Bruni (I love them)
Le Petite Prince (A favorite book)
Jacques Pepin (A favorite chef)
French Kiss (Among favorite moments with my Prince)
French Roast (I need coffee right now)
Eiffel Tower (one day soon)
Insulting Frenchman (Best part of Holy Grail, people)
Parisian Cafe Art (I need coffee right now in a French cafe)
La Boum (first movie watched in high school French class)
Babar (favorite elephant)
French Soap (mmmm)
Napoleon (have the complex)
Versaille (my dream house)
French chocolates (does it get any better?)
French wine (yeah, it gets better)
Gigi (J.Sarah and I love this movie and have watched it together often)
Pepe Le Pew (my favorite Looney Toon)
Monsieur Van Gogh (going to see his night exhibit at MOMA soon)
Champagne (even better!)
Fifi (sadly, she sports a Palin doo)
Brie (love it en croute)
Escargot (with lots of garlic...yum)
Sarkozy et Bruni (I love them)
Le Petite Prince (A favorite book)
Jacques Pepin (A favorite chef)
French Kiss (Among favorite moments with my Prince)
French Roast (I need coffee right now)
Eiffel Tower (one day soon)
Insulting Frenchman (Best part of Holy Grail, people)
Parisian Cafe Art (I need coffee right now in a French cafe)
Labels: Francophile, Mute Mondays
Très gentil! Happy MM!
Wasn't Van Gogh Dutch? I like Sarkosy and Bruni too. He's a Slav, she's Italian, but they're the First Couple of France. Cool.
Happy Mute Monday!
vive le France!!!!! Ill be there next October with my prince!!!
Oh my goodness....chocolates, wine/champagne and cheese. I think I've died and gone to heaven.
Happy Mute Monday!
I loved Gigi but hated The Little Prince. Just couldnt get into it. Great MM x
...and a freshly baked crisp french baguette right out of a parisian bakery to have with that wine and cheese.
i'm telling you .. it really doesn't get any better than that ..
paris is one of my favorite cities.
Oh my goodness....chocolates, wine/champagne, snails and cheese. I think I've died and gone to France.
Happy MM.
Ohhh Pepe! And I agree about MPHG...I fart in your general direction...HaPPY mm!
All my favorite cheeses, coffees, and designers are French! And one of my favorite places in the world, Cannes. Very nice! Happy MM, dahlink!
You forgot planet GONG.
If you love France you must love everything she has to offer.
Great post! I mean it. France is one of those places that has always thrown me for a loop.
Pepe Le pew?
Chocolates! Yum! And I have always adored Pepe! He is my fav!
Mais Oui!!
Gigi and Pepe le Pew are mah mostest favorites.
Happy MM!
Oh YAY! I'm trying to learn French. I'm taking the class...actually, I have to take 36 hours! Eventually, that is. This is great :]
JJ - Merci beaucoups!
Troll - Uh...yeah just like Sarkozy and Bruni are citizens of France with different lineague, so was Vincent. ;)
Jack of Cakes - Oooo la la! Your Prince and you shall have a fantastique time. ;)
Gypsy - I think I could eat all of those (well, and drink) each day and never get bored!
HMC - The Little Prince is actually quite a sad story, so I understand you not loving it.
Foam - You know, I have never been yet? Zut Alors! Sacre bleu!
Bear - Oooo bears eat chocolate?
Kate - Yes, and how about his insult of calling the Englishmen kunnigets? ;)
Moi - Oh merde I forgot an image of Cannes.
NYD - Uh, Pepe is as fench as they come...lol.
Lisa - Yeah I mean how can he not be a fave? Bugs can be overrated. :P
Aunty Belle - As much as I love Gigi, I just couldnt post Monsieur Chevalier...I dont forgive him for his Nazi relations.
Turtle - Ooooo la la! Tu parles francais? Fantastique!
Babar, chocolate and Harry Potter!! I do so love visiting here!
i still love gigi so much. it might well be the perfect movie. happy MM.
Of all the MM's you've posted I wuv' this the most! So romantic..everything about France is dreamy...siiigh'...
It's still raining here...:)
Ahhh...je suis une francophile aussi!! Tres bien!
One of my favorite french imports would have to be Sephora. I'll admit it; I'm a junkie for all things Caudalie, L'Occitane. Dior and Chanel.
C'est si bon!
No French fries?
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